Исследовательская лаборатория: КРЫМСКАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ

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COPY a materials of the international scientific conference Yalta-45/13

Museum of the History of Simferopol

Franko Universal Scientific Library

Livadia Palace-Museun

Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University

Anthology ‘Yalta-45’

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students Scientific Fellowship ‘ЮСТІС


Announce the

Scientific Conference


(interdisciplinary approach to the Crimean (Yalta) 1945 Conference study)


Date: 24-26 April, 2013

Location: Simferopol, Ukraine.

Potential partners: Crimea Reserves and Museums Association, Republican Higher Education Institution ‘Crimean University for Humanities’ (Yalta), Taurida Central Museum (Simferopol).

We invite you to participate in the form of: direct and indirect reports, presentations of your projects, organization of round tables and seminars (on preliminary request). The list is open to your ideas and wishes.

Purpose: Generating research interest to the problem of the Yalta-45 Conference among the representatives of various regional and thematic research areas (schools, approaches).

Expected venues: online publishing of the conference proceedings (April 2013), issuing conference proceedings in the form of a collection of articles approved by Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, preparing a draft of a joint scientific monograph (publication in February 2015). A series of popular science articles in the mass media of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus on the results of the conference (Spring-Summer 2013).

Conference plan: The conference will be organized by breakup groups, the second half of the day will be devoted to round tables, thematic presentations are expected, a session in the Livadia Palace Museum is planned as well as various excursions and trips.

No registration fee is collected.

Travel, accommodation and meals expenses are covered by the participants.

Sponsorship: ‘Yalta Conference’ research laboratory, http://krim-konference.at.ua/, ‘Society and Power’, ‘Labyrinth’ scientific journals.

Contacts: Oleg K. Shevchenko:    Yalta-1945@yandex.com    skilur80@mail.ru

Cell phone: + 38 067-703-76-75

Mail: Oleg K. Shevchenko, PO Box 1228, Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine, 95050





Proposed problems and breakup groups:

1. History.

• The conference significance in the context of world history and diplomatic relations history.

• Achievements in the study of local events related to the conference implementation.

• Questions of sources concerning the Yalta Conference in 1945

• Problems of Historiography of the Crimea (Yalta) Conference.

• Problems of the ‘Yalta meeting’ and archives.

• Scope of the Crimea Conference and museum exhibitions / collections.

• Scope of the Crimea Conference and excursion texts.


2. Political sciences.

• Ethno-political aspects of the Crimea Conference decisions.

• Geopolitical problems and their solutions at the Yalta Conference.

• The impact of the ‘spirit and letter of Yalta’ on the international political institutions formation.


3. International law.

• Legal reasons and consequences of the Yalta Conference.

• International law peculiarities at the time of the Yalta Conference.

• Regulatory status of the documents adopted at the Yalta Conference.

• The conference impact on the law development in the post-war period.


4. Ethnography and population

• Mass migration in Europe as a result of ‘the Yalta agreements’.

• Silesia and the fate of its ethnic groups as a result of the Crimea conference.

• Masurians and Kashubians: unaccomplished nations?

• Ukrainian,  Belorussian territories and the Crimean decisions: Pro at Contra.


5. Philosophy

• Samples of rhetorical devices at the Yalta Conference.

• Logical analysis of the event forms at the Yalta Conference.

• Key categories and semantic concepts of the ‘Yalta agreements’.

• Parameters and levels of axiological analysis of the Yalta Conference agreements.

• Paradoxes of the Yalta-1945 Conference.

• Dilemma of the desirable and the affordable, the possible and the appropriate in the Yalta conference compromises.

• The concept of justice in the Crimean conference key issues.


6. Cultural Studies, Arts, Ethics and Aesthetics

• Yalta Conference as an artistic image.

• Yalta Conference in painting, sculpture, literature, photography.

• Yalta Conference in the light of aesthetic categories of the sublime and the lowly, the beautiful and the ugly, the tragic and the comic.



1. Soviet citizens deportation after WWII and the ‘Yalta agreements’.

2. Organization of the  Yalta-45 Conference security and secrecy.

3. Yalta the problem of the ‘Northern Territories’ (southern Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands) nowadays.


Chairman of the organizing committee, ‘Yalta-45’ anthology chief editor,

M.A. in history, Ph.D in Phlisophy                                                                                           Oleg K. Shevchenko


Co-chairman of the organizing committee,

 Director of the Simferopol City Museum, Ph.D in History                                                        Irina I. Vdovichenko

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